Publications de BERTIN Clarice

Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture :

  • à paraître

    Developing strategic capabilities for startup - large firm collaborative innovation

    BERTIN Clarice, Entreprendre & Innover
  • 2022

    Innovative Technology-Based Startup—Large Firm Collaborations: Influence of Human and Social Capital on Engagement and Success

    BERTIN Clarice, MAVOORI Hareesh, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
  • 2019

    Proximité et facteurs organisationnels pour la collaboration startup-grande entreprise en contexte d'innovation ouverte

    BERTIN Clarice, Innovations - Revue d'Economie et de Management de l'Innovation / Journal of Innovation Economics and Management, 2019/1, n°58, pp. 135-160.

Direction d'ouvrages ou de revue :

  • 2023

    Management des entreprises : De l’élaboration de la stratégie au développement de la transversalité

    BERTIN Clarice, KOEHL Jacky, Ed. Ellipses, 304 p., Paris, France, February 14.

Chapitres / Ouvrages scientifiques :

  • 2023

    Local Ecosystem Open Innovation Intermediaries as Key Enablers for the Development of Incumbents’ Digital Technology Partnerships

    BERTIN Clarice, SCHAEFFER Véronique, Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE 28th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC) & 31st International Association For Management of Technology (IAMOT) Joint Conference, June 19-23, 2022
  • 2020

    Organizational impact of digital open innovation in retail banks: Managing external and internal pressure

    BERTIN Clarice, SCHAEFFER Véronique, In Managing Digital Open Innovation, Book Series “Open Innovation: Bridging Theory and Practice”, World Scientific Publishing, 5, 297-322.

Communications à des conférences :

  • à paraître

    Spontaneous Creative Dissidence and Entrepreneurial Intention

    BERTIN Clarice, The 11th Art of Management & Organization Conference on ‘New Total Arts for Sustainable Futures’, August 21-24, 2024, Nancy.
  • 2024

    Innovation collaborative entre startups et grandes entreprises : de l’asymétrie aux signaux de confiance mutuelle

    BERTIN Clarice, Printemps de l’innovation 2024 : Innovations systémiques : industrie, société, environnement, Workshop « Innovation, Confiance et Renouveau organisationnel », RNI, University of Lorraine, ENSGSI, Lorraine Fab Living Lab, Nancy, March 21, 2024, Nancy.
  • 2023

    Measuring organizational learning and innovation in large-scale public organizations: insights and implications

    BERTIN Clarice, WASIELESKI David, 5th ARTEMOCC - International Organizational Creativity and Sustainability Conference, September 7, UKZN, Durban, South Africa.
  • 2020

    Knowledge-based resources of startup teams and their capability to collaborate with large firms in open innovation context

    BERTIN Clarice, 1st International Congress on Collective Intelligence "beyond the rhetoric" (papier accepté, non présenté en raison de la pandémie (conférence annulée)).
  • 2019

    Knowledge-based resources of startup teams and their capability to collaborate with large firms in open innovation context

    BERTIN Clarice, 17th OUI -Open & User Innovation- Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands, July, 8-10, 22 p.
  • 2019

    Regeneration of dynamic capabilities within an innovation ecosystem: The case of the banking sector facing digitization

    BERTIN Clarice, SCHAEFFER Véronique, EURAM 19 - European Academy of Management Conference 2019, SIG Innovation, Lisbon, Portugal, June 26-28, 33 p.
  • 2019

    Building of dynamic capabilities within an innovation ecosystem: the case of the banking sector

    BERTIN Clarice, SCHAEFFER Véronique, RADMA - R&D Management Conference, HEC & Polytechnique, Paris, June 17-21.
  • 2019

    Building strategic dynamic capabilities in the digital era: the case of the banking sector

    BERTIN Clarice, SCHAEFFER Véronique, 28ème Conférence de l'AIMS - Association Internationale de Management Stratégique, Dakar, Senegal, June, 11-14.
  • 2018

    Influence of startupper teams’ skills on their collaborations with large firms to innovate

    BERTIN Clarice, The Global Interdisciplinary Conference: Green Cities, Business, Engineering, Architecture, Design & Technology, Nancy, June 27-30.
  • 2018

    Antecedents and impact of startupper teams' skills on their collaborations with large firms

    BERTIN Clarice, 2018 Research Network in Innovation (RNI) Congress - Innovation Forum VIII., Nîmes, June 4-5.
  • 2018

    Organizational impact of digital innovation in banks: Managing external and internal pressure

    BERTIN Clarice, SCHAEFFER Véronique, AIMS DIF (Digital Innovation & Financing) 2018, Lyon, June 11-12.
  • 2017

    Designs organisationnels émergents favorisant l’innovation ouverte entre startups et grandes entreprises aux différents stades de la collaboration

    BERTIN Clarice, DUCHAMP David, 8èmes Journées du Groupe Thématique Innovation de l’AIMS, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, 14 et 15 septembre.
  • 2017

    Emergent organization designs for an efficient, sustainable collaboration between startups and large firms within an open innovation ecosystem

    BERTIN Clarice, DUCHAMP David, Summer School of the Research Network in Innovation (RNI), ENSGSI, Nancy, August 28-29.
  • 2016

    Retenir le savoir-faire des seniors dans une PME : enseignements d’une étude de cas et proposition d’un cadre conceptuel

    BERTIN Clarice, DUCHAMP David, 9ème Colloque International GeCSO (Gestion des Connaissances dans la Société et les Organisations), Paris, 27-29 juin (à venir).
  • 2013

    Revues en Knowledge Management classées par l’AERES et le CNRS : état des lieux

    BERTIN Clarice, 6ème Conférence Internationale GeCSO (Gestion des Connaissances dans la société et les organisations), Nancy, 5-7 juin.
  • 2012

    Toward a unified definition of the sense of sustainability to SMEs

    BERTIN Clarice, DUCHAMP David, First Workshop of the International Research Chair in Arts & Sustainable Enterprises (IRCASE), Nancy, September 26.

Autres productions :

  • 2024

    Rapport d'étude de recherche "Organisation publique apprenante et innovante : Perspective des managers de la Région Grand Est

    BERTIN Clarice, Axe 1 du Projet ResInn, Région Grand Est, 6 juin.