19th Annual GLEA Conference

Du 07/07/2022 au 08/07/2022
Toute la journée
Détails de l'événement :
The 19th Annual Conference of the German Law and Economics Association (GLEA) is switched to online.
Therefore, if you wish to attend the conference or some of the sessions without having registered beforehand, please contact Yannick Gabuthy by email to register you on the list of participants who will be able to access the Zoom sessions. No registration fee will be charged.
Local organizer: Yannick Gabuthy (BETA, Université de Lorraine)
Paper submissions: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=glea2022
Submission deadline: March 30, 2022.
The conference should be held as an offline event, unless the public health situation requires us to hold it online. The conference language is English.
All information on the conference : https://glea2022.sciencesconf.org/