Séminaire Chaire RENEL – Christian Calvillo Muno (University of Strathclyde).

Le 27/01/2023
De 14:00 à 15:30
Détails de l'événement :
La chaire RENEL (Ressources Naturelles et Economie Locale associée au BETA a le plaisir de vous inviter au séminaire de rentrée le vendredi 27 janvier.
Nous aurons la chance d’écouter Christian Calvillo Munoz (University of Strathclyde).
Titre: Delivering a Sustainable and Equitable Heat Transition in the UK
The focus of this seminar is to introduce our Delivering a Sustainable and Equitable Heat Transition (SEHT) project and to present our findings. The SEHT project aims is to strengthening understanding of the economic and societal impacts and consequences, and the associated opportunities, challenges and trade-offs of different actions to decarbonise heat in the UK. The project applies a novel and innovative blend of economic and energy systems modelling and scenario development to the heat decarbonisation challenge. With linked policy analyses, we generate critical evidence into how heat decarbonisation actions will affect lives and livelihoods in the UK, particularly through impacts on prices, jobs and earnings, GDP and the competitiveness of different sectors, regions and supply chains in the wider economy. The project also addresses the skills and training needs associated with the heat transition. The project provides important insights into how strategic public and private investments, alongside existing and new policy instruments, could support an effective and fair transition to low-carbon heating, all of which will be critical to the UK meeting its 2035 and 2050 climate ambitions.