Séminaire Cournot – Claire Silvant (Triangle, U. Lyon 2)

Le 09/02/2024
De 14:00 à 15:30
Détails de l'événement :
Being a heterodox woman among liberals: Clémence Royer, from political economy to anthropology
coécrit avec François Ettner
Clémence-Auguste Royer (1830-1902) was a singular figure in the second half of the 19th French century, since she was one of the few women economists to have made a name for herself among the economists of her time, as well as being a key figure in the emergence of Darwinism in France.
Self-educated, she began reading about biology, philosophy, anthropology and economics at the age of 19. She successively worked as a French and music teacher, an embroiderer, a philosophy lecturer, a novelist and a translator to support herself. She became a multidisciplinary scholar, complaining of a tendency towards intellectual specialisation, in art as in science: the division of labour is certainly effective in industry, while “the same genius increases its power and scope by cultivating similar arts or sciences” (Royer 1868, 184)2.
Information pour le zoom :https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/94704622943?pwd=cThCSytSMlFDeC8zOEFEUVBnZllwQT09
Seminar webpage : https://beta-economics.fr/seminaires-cournot-2023-2024/