Séminaire NANCY – Bilal El Rafhi (BETA)

Le 20/04/2021
De 14:00 à 15:00
Détails de l'événement :
“Like Father, like Son? The Intergenerational Transmission of Preferences for Redistribution”
Abstract: The literature abounds with studies highlighting the existence of strong intergenerational correlations, some of which relate to economic preferences. This paper is the first to investigate empirically the intergenerational correlation of preferences for redistribution between parents and children. The main findings using the SOEP data suggest a substantial intergenerational transmission of preferences for taxation. In addition to the fact that the estimated correlations put parental preferences at the head of the determinants of individual attitudes towards redistribution, our mediation analysis challenges the impact of some variables considered as key determinants in the literature. This study also shows that the absence of opinion on these redistribution issues can be explained by the individual’s parents’ attitudes as well as by the individual’s level of education, gender and political orientation.