Séminaire Nancy – Régis Renault (Thema CY Cergy)

Le 28/03/2023
De 11:00 à 12:00
Détails de l'événement :
Nous aurons le plaisir d’écouter Régis Renault (Thema CY Cergy, https://sites.google.com/site/homepageofregisrenault/) qui nous présentera le papier suivant:
“Sources of consumer information” with Frederic Koessler
Abstract: Consumers can either acquire product information at some cost or base their purchase decision solely on whatever information the seller provides. The optimal information design by a monopoly firm deters information acquisition completely and induces a purchase if and only if the consumer’s valuation exceeds a certain threshold. As the information acquisition cost increases, the probability of a purchase increases, consumer welfare deteriorates while profit and social welfare are improved until they reach their first best level. The ability of the firm to inform the consumer may either benefit or hurt the consumer so that, if providing information is costly, the firm informs either too much or too little as compared to a second best social optimum.
Si vous souhaitez discuter avec l’intervenant veuillez nous le faire savoir par mail à : sebastien.massoni@univ-lorraine.fr