Marketing for good

12 June 2024

Adeline Ochs, Aurélie Merle, and Sihem Dekhili, researcher at BETA, present their vision of the “Sustainable marketing” in this opinion published in Dialogue Review. Read more

In search of the primary source

12 June 2024

Interview with Paul Labic , researcher at BETA and associated with the ENSP research laboratory, proposing a specific approach on social networks and disinformation, published on June 10, 2024 on,… Read more

Data science apprenticeship

10 June 2024

BETA is looking for a student wishing to complete the third year of their “Data Science” university bachelor of technology on a work-study basis. The apprenticeship contract proposed by BETA… Read more

Green money and finance

06 June 2024

Publication in May 2024 by Deboeck of the 1st edition of the manual “Ecological money and finance”, a reference for economics and finance courses in terms of sustainability, to which … Read more