12th Forests, Climate and Society seminar – Philippe Delacote

The 2023/05/04
From 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Event details :
We are pleased to announce that the twelfth Forests, Climate and Society Seminar will welcome Philippe Delacote. Research director at Inrae, he works on issues associated with deforestation, climate change and adaptation to global change. His talk is titled:
« Weather shocks and adaptation: what impacts on the land use and deforestation? ».
The seminar will take place on Thursday May 4, at 2 p.m., in the Jacamon 1 room at Agroparistech Nancy.
Abstract: Extreme weather events, particularly droughts, have strong impacts on the livelihoods of populations in rural areas. In a context of low access to insurance and credit markets, households respond to such shocks by implementing different risk-management strategies, which in turn are likely to have an impact on the environment, in particular through land-use changes and deforestation. The aim of this project is to contribute to the emerging literature on the links between droughts and deforestation: (1) presentation of adaptation strategies that may impact deforestation, (2) presenting a case study on Democratic Republic of Congo, disentangling the time of the agricultural season at which droughts occur, (3) presenting heterogeneity of impacts at the pan-tropical level.
For those who cannot attend face-to-face, you can do so remotely by registering at the following link: https://inrae-fr.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_wINGXNsvQXqhGuDX9-HNLw
Feel free to share the link! Hope to see you all there.
The Forests, Climate and Society seminar receives financial support from LabEx ARBRE. For any questions relating to the organization of seminars, ideas and proposals, do not hesitate to contact the organization team:
- Nikola Besic (LIF, ENSG/IGN) – nikola.besic@ign.fr
- Lesly Cassin (UMR Beta, Université de Lorraine) – lesly.cassin@univ-lorraine.fr
- Julien Sainte-Marie (UMR Silva, AgroParisTech) – julien.sainte-marie@agroparistech.fr