Daniel ELANGA defense thesis

The 2024/06/06
From 9:30am to 12:30pm
Event details :
Title: « Experimental analyses of the socio-economic behaviour of and towards refugees »
The jury is composed of:
Thesis supervisors:
- Mr Serge Garcia, Director of Research-INRAE, AgroParisTech, BETA, University of Lorraine, University of Strasbourg
- Ms Flore Gubert, Research Director-IRD, LEDa, Université Paris Dauphine
- Ms Lisette Ibanez, Research Director-INRAE, CEE-M, University of Montpellier
- Mr François Cochard, Professor, CRESE, University of Franche-Comté
- Mr Simone Moriconi, Professor, IÉSEG School of Management