Day of transition towards a more ethical economy

The 2024/11/21
From 12:30pm to 7:30pm
Event details :
The ‘Day of transition towards a more ethical economy’ will be held on 21 November 2024 at the Departement of Economics and Management in Strasbourg.
- 12.30 pm-2.00 pm: Round Table Research, teaching, science-society interactions: ‘Challenges and Opportunities of Sustainable Development: Prospects for Innovation and Energy Transition’, with presentations by Sandrine Spaeter-Loehrer, André Lorentz, Julien Pénin, Jérôme Hambye-Verbrugghen and Vincent Helfrich – Amphi 4
- 2.00 pm-5.30 pm: Frescoes – reserved for registered Masters students
- 6.00 pm-7.30 pm: Economy Evening: ‘Climate change and dwindling resources: what consequences and changes for our professions?’, by Jean-Emmanuel Frison, Shifter and Abrapa Jobs and Skills Development Manager, and Marc Vedrines, Shifter and INSA lecturer/researcher – specialists in issues relating to climate change and its consequences, who will be contributing their expertise during this conference – Amphi 4
Round tables and Economy Evening are free and open to the general public.