Renel Chair PhD seminar

The 2024/04/17
From 2:00pm to 3:30pm
Event details :
The Natural Resources and Local Economy Chair at the University of Lorraine and BETA ( are pleased to invite you to Mehdi Guelmamen’s seminar, which will be held in the seminar room at the Maison de la Recherche on rue Baron Louis in Nancy on 17 April 2024, from 2 to 3.30pm.
Mehdi Guelmamen will present a paper entitled: Does inter-municipal cooperation increase prices? An Economic Analysis of the French Drinking Water Sector.
Abstract :
The provision of drinking water has become a central concern for public authorities due to climate change, prompting policymakers to reevaluate their approach to this semi-renewable resource. In this paper, we identify factors explaining intermunicipal cooperation and assess the impact of this organizational choice on performance. Using a comprehensive panel dataset comprising all French drinking water providers from 2008 to 2021, we identify the determinants of the price of drinking water as municipalities deliberate between autonomous management and collaborative endeavors within a community frameworks. Our empirical findings reveal a selection bias in the estimation of prices equations. Prices paid within the framework of intermunicipal cooperation exceed those under municipal management, and this difference in performance can be explained by preexisting strength and weaknesses of the drinking water provider.
Mehdi’s presentation will be followed by a formal discussion and exchanges with the audience.
Following the seminar, a coffee will be offered to continue the discussions.
To register for this event, please complete the survey below before 07/04/2024: REGISTRATION.