Seminar – New technologies and justice / Burkhard Schafer (University of Edinburgh)

The 2023/06/15
From 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Event details :
As part of the ‘New Technologies and Justice’ seminars (GDR Internet et Société), we will have the pleasure of listening to Burkhard Schafer (Professor of Computational Legal Theory, University of Edinburgh, School of Law) on Thursday 15 June (1pm-2pm). For more information on his work:
Title of presentation: “Backup of Lost in translation”.
Summary: The aim of this presentation is to initiate an exchange of ideas between those interested in legal technology and its regulation, the field of legal translation studies and international law doctrines on the interpretation of multilingual treaties. If the process of formalising law is analogous to translation, we can begin to explore whether and under what conditions a formal model of a law should be treated as a ‘deemed authoritative’ version of the law it models.
Keywords: Legal tech, AI and law, formal logic, legal reasoning, AI ethics
– Seminar registration link:
– The Zoom connection link: (code: 943140)
– Link to information on GoT seminars: