Tristan AMIRI defense thesis

The 2023/12/21
From 2:30pm to 5:00pm
Event details :
Title: “Source water protection on the Vittel impluvium: Monetary valuation of environmental and social services, and impacts on the local economy”
The jury is composed of :
Thesis supervisors :
Serge Garcia, INRAE, BETA, Nancy
Jens Abildtrup, INRAE, BETA, Nancy
Rapporteurs :
Anne Rozan, ENGEES, Université de Strasbourg
Olivier Beaumais, LERN, Université de Rouen
Reviewers :
Sophie Legras, INRAE, CESAER
Pierre-Alexandre Mahieu, IAE, Université de Nantes
Guest member :
Julien Didelot, Directeur d’Agrivair, filiale de Nestlé Waters