Valentin MATHIEU defense thesis

The 2023/12/19
From 2:30pm to 5:00pm
Event details :
Title: “Wood, Cities, and Trade: An Economic Analysis of the Global Urban Demand for Wood Products and the Dynamics of International Wood Trade”
The jury is composed of:
Thesis supervisors :
Serge Garcia, INRAE, BETA, Nancy
Jean-Marc Roda, CIRAD, Jakarta, Indonésie
Sylvain Caurla, Banque Européenne d’Investissement, Luxembourg
Rapporteurs :
Anne Toppinen, Université d’Helsinki, HELSUS, Helsinki
Philippe Cadène, Université Paris Diderot, CESSMA, Paris
Reviewers :
Meriem Fournier,INRAE, Nancy
Clément Nedoncelle, INRAE, PSAE, Paris