BETA is recruiting a trainee as part of the ISERV project, which aims to investigate the effects of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) restocking practices in alpine lakes on the links between intraspecific diversity and ecosystem services. Restocking can alter intraspecific diversity, which may indirectly affect fish population biomass and nutrient cycling, important services for fisheries and water quality.
The fourth task of the ISERV project is to survey local people and assess their preferences for different management practices. A discrete choice experiment will be integrated into a questionnaire to understand local people’s preferences for different conservation strategies affecting water quality, population performance and genetic diversity of Arctic charr, and to estimate the impact on the socio-economic value of recreational fishing.
Subject: Elicitation of preferences for the management of Arctic char in Lake Annecy
Requirements: fundamental concepts in (environmental) economics or environmental management; statistical methods and econometrics; knowledge about the ecosystem service concept; both French and English skills.
Duration: 6 months, start between February 1st and April 1st, 2024.
Application deadline: February 1, 2024.
Contact: jens.abildtrup@inrae.fr