Working Paper BETA #2007-17

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Title : R&D cooperation versus R&D subcontracting: empirical evidence from French survey data

Author(s) : Estelle Dhont-Peltrault, Etienne Pfister

Abstract : This paper uses a survey of French firms active in R&D to identify the determinants of R&D outsourcing and of the ensuing trade-off between R&D subcontracting and R&D cooperation. Internal R&D expenditures increase both the probability of outsourcing and the number of R&D partners. Investment in fundamental R&D, group belonging, and the sector’s high R&D intensity positively influences the probability of R&D outsourcing but have less impact on the number of partners. R&D subcontracting is more likely than R&D cooperation when the relationship deals with generic, standardized R&D processes, as reflected in the influence of several qualitative proxies.

Key-words : R&D cooperation, R&D subcontracting, organizational choices.

JEL Classification : NA