Séminaire COURNOT – Thomas DOUENNE (University of Amsterdam)
Campus Unistra
Le 03/06/2022
Titre : Optimal Fiscal Policy in a Second-Best Climate-Economy model…
Campus Unistra
Le 03/06/2022
Titre : Optimal Fiscal Policy in a Second-Best Climate-Economy model…
Campus Unistra
Le 02/06/2022
Green growth, limits to growth, and selective growth: which role…
Campus Unistra
Du 31/05/2022 au 21/05/2022
Title: “Temporary employment and poverty persistence: the case of UK…
Campus UL
Le 31/05/2022
Titre : “Informed Information Design” with Vasiliki Skreta Abstract: A…
Campus UL
Le 24/05/2022
Titre : “Peer prediction markets to elicit unverifiable information” with…
Campus Unistra
Le 24/05/2022
“The Response of Australia-China Trade to US-China Political Relation Deterioration”…
Campus AgroParisTech
Le 16/05/2022
Organisation : A. Flage, P. Delacote Au programme…
Campus Unistra
Le 13/05/2022
La nouvelle séance du webinaire “Economie & Philosophie du Grand-Est”…