Séminaire COURNOT – Jérôme WITTWER (University of Bordeaux)

Le 11/03/2022
De 14:00 à 15:30
Détails de l'événement :
Title: Making health care accessible, do prices matter? Evidence from a means-tested complementary health insurance program in France
Co-authors: Benoît Carré, Florence Jusot, Jérôme Wittwer, Martine Thomas, Christelle Gastaldi-Ménager
Abstract: In France, a state-funded complementary health insurance (CHI) provides free care at the point of delivery for the poor. Using claims data we estimate the program enrollment impact on healthcare utilization. Selection in the program is controlled for using coverage variation which are endogenous at the household level but exogenous at the individual level. We find that the free CHI has a strong and significant impact both on the probability to use healthcare services and on conditional expenditures. Moreover, we find that the free CHI impact is lasting over the two years of follow-up.
JEL classification: I38; I13
Keywords: health insurance, healthcare utilization, low-income populations
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