Séminaire Nancy – Youba NDIAYE (BETA)
Campus UL
Le 03/10/2023
“Mining the forests: do protected areas hinder mining-driven forest loss…
Campus UL
Le 03/10/2023
“Mining the forests: do protected areas hinder mining-driven forest loss…
Campus Unistra
Le 29/09/2023
Autoregressive moving-average models: probabilistic properties and econometric developments for finance…
Campus AgroParisTech
Le 26/09/2023
“Weather shocks and pesticide purchases” Auteurs : François Bareille,…
Campus Unistra
Le 22/09/2023
Walter Bagehot, creator of the modern Treasury bill (1877) Historians…
Campus Unistra
Le 21/09/2023
“Gaining legitimacy through social entrepreneurship” Salle du Conseil + zoom
Campus AgroParisTech
Le 19/09/2023
“Media Information Provision and Criminal Behavior” Abstract: This paper…
Campus Unistra
Le 15/09/2023
A Monetary Growth Model with Limited Foresight coécrit avec…