2nd Annual conference of the Chair in Natural Resources and Local Economy

From 2023/05/25 to 2023/05/26
All day
Event details :
The Chair inNatural Resources and Local Economy RENEL of the University of Lorraine and BETA is organizing its 2nd annual conference in Metz.
This conference on natural resources and energy economics will be structured around a morning lecture, and two half-day sessions of presentations and discussions of academic papers (8 parallel sessions and 16 papers presented in 2022).
We will also have the pleasure to welcome Professors :
- Stéphane Saussier , IAE de Paris – Paris 1
- Mouez Fodha , PSE – Paris 1 who will speak during this conference.
All contributions, both theoretical and empirical, in economics applied to environmental or energy issues are welcome. PhD students are also encouraged to send a contribution. Each accepted paper will be discussed by a conference participant in order to allow quality exchanges.
Deadline for submission
March 12, 2023: apply ont the sciences conf website
To participate only in the conference, you can register now on sciences conf – places are limited
A special issue of the Revue d’Économie Politique will follow the conference.