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Intelligence artificielle et responsabilité juridique

BRIQUET Lucie, JACOB Julien, LAMBERT Eve-Angéline (à paraître)

Revue Française d'Economie

Crop Yield Risks and Nitrogen Fertilisation in French Agriculture: Implications for Crop Insurance

KOUAKOU Edith, BRUNETTE Marielle, KOENIG Richard, DELACOTE Philippe (à paraître)

Revue d'Economie Politique

Developing strategic capabilities for startup - large firm collaborative innovation

BERTIN Clarice (2024)

Entreprendre & Innover, 2024/3, n°60, pp. 64-74.

Are ambiguity preferences aligned with risk preferences?

BOUN MY Kene, BRUNETTE Marielle, COUTURE Stéphane, VAN DRIESSCHE Sarah (2024)

Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 111, 102237.

Climate change perception, impact, and adaptation of French farmers: implications for crop insurance development

KOENIG Richard, BRUNETTE Marielle (2024)

Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, DOI : 10.1007/s41130-024-00218-9.

Risk and ambiguity in a public good game

VAN DRIESSCHE Sarah, BOUN MY Kene, BRUNETTE Marielle (2024)

Frontiers in Behavioral Economics, 3.