European Fiscal Integration

The Jean Monnet DEFI Chair (“Understanding and Disseminating on European Fiscal Integration”) aims to develop new research and disseminate academic knowledge on issues of European fiscal integration. The challenges facing the EU are numerous: sovereign debt crisis, difficulty in sustaining growth and employment, widening social inequalities, migration challenge, taxation of digital activities, taxation of multinationals, questioning of the supervision of public finances, etc. Faced with these challenges, a major next step in the European project will undoubtedly revolve around fiscal and budgetary Europe.
This DEFI Chair aims to develop an international network of researchers centered around issues of European fiscal and budgetary integration and, in partnership with a number of European universities, stimulate European training initiatives on all issues related to the exercise of economic policy in the European context.
This work is part of the research activities in European macroeconomics at BETA and within the Interdisciplinary Thematic Institute Making European Society (ITI MAKErS).
The Jean Monnet Chair funds awarded by the European Commission aim to promote excellence in teaching and research in the field of European studies. In concrete terms, this involves EU funding of 50,000 euros over 3 years to carry out a teaching and research programme.

Chairholder: Amélie Barbier-Gauchard