Collective work: Social innovations – Levers for a social, economic and environmental transition
27 June 2023
Éditions et Presses universitaires de Reims (EPURE) – Published June 25, 2023
Edited by Anne Carbonnel (CEREFIGE, Lorraine University), Raphaël Didier (BETA, Lorraine University) et Delphine Wannenmacher (CEREFIGE, Lorraine University)
At the crossroads of conceptual and empirical approaches, this book helps to shed light on the notion of social innovation from a variety of issues and fields. In nine chapters, it invites us to take a look inside organizations, as well as at the interface between several organizations in the same territory, to discover the levers of social innovation for an economic, social, solidarity-based and environmental transition.
Numerous dimensions of social innovation are examined in different fields and sectors, such as money, inclusion, disability and health: conditions for success and sustainability, resources that local authorities can deploy to help innovative and sustainable projects emerge and be supported, types of collaboration between local players, drivers of creativity and innovation in organizations, participative governance methods…
The presence of authors from the fields of management science, economics, sociology, information and communication science, and education and training, contributes to the plurality and complementarity of perspectives on social innovations.
At a time when social, economic, ecological and governance issues call for a holistic approach, the contributions gathered in this book can inspire researchers from different disciplines and players in the field to take systemic action that makes sense for current and future generations.
Authors : Philippe Eynaud • Anne Carbonnel • Raphaël Didier • Delphine Wannenmacher • Paul Muller • Bérangère Lauren Szostak • Monique Combes-Joret • Sophie Bollinger • Krista Finstad-Million • Olivier Braun • Bernard Balzani • Melaine Cervera • Khoudia Guèye • Élise Marcandella • Hervé Fricot • Laëtitia Lethielleux • Marion Neukam • Rebecca Dickason • Anne Carbonnel • Thomas Marshall • Jacqueline De Bony