Félix BASTIT defense thesis

The 2023/09/22
From 9:30am to 12:00pm
Event details :
Title: “Une approche économique des risques multiples en forêt”
The jury is composed of:
Thesis supervisor:
Marielle BRUNETTE (INRAE, BETA, Nancy)
Chairman of the Jury:
Jean-Philippe TERREAUX (INRAE, ETTIS, Bordeaux)
Rapporteur(s) :
Katrin ERDLENBRUCH (INRAE, CEE-M, Montpellier)
Hubert STAHN (AMSE, Marseille)
Denis ALLARD (INRAE, BioSP, Avignon)
Forests are subject to many hazards: fire, storms, drought, etc. Climate change is increasing their probability, intensity and interactions. This thesis seeks to measure the impact of these hazards according to three conceptual gradients: the spatial scale, the risks included (production vs. market) and the natural hazards considered.
This work is divided into four parts. Firstly, a review of the literature on forest economics showed the avenues for research within the discipline. Secondly, the resilience of a self-sufficient timber market to catastrophic hazards was studied from a number of angles. Then, this model was extended to the context of the French forestry sector by including storms and bark beetle outbreaks in a spatially explicit manner. Finally, the potential cost of climate change based on wood production at European level was estimated for various hazard scenarios.