Launch of ENSEMBLE, the European project to improve the fight against cybercrime
02 February 2025
BETA researchers were in Thessaloniki on 11 and 12 December 2024 for the launch of the European ENSEMBLE project (Horizon 2024 – 2027).
ENSEMBLE (pour Enhancing Collaborative Investigations Against Cybercrime) is a multi-partner project coordinated by the Centre for Research & Technology Hellas in Thessaloniki, bringing together 7 academic institutions (Sheffield Hallam University, Vicomtech, University of Limerick, Université de Lorraine through BETA and Loria, CyberPeace Institute, CEA), 5 Law Enforcement Agencies in Europe (France, Portugal, Spain, Moldova, Romania) and 6 Industry Partners (CFLW Cyber Strategies, Byron Labs, Iknaio Cryptoasset Analytics, Engineering, Tree Technology, Radexpert).
This project aims to strengthen detection and investigation capabilities in the field of cybercrime and has three main components:
- a modular AI-based toolbox to improve the fight against advanced forms of cybercrime;
- training for police forces and specialised judicial authorities;
- public awareness campaigns dedicated to the early identification and prevention of cybercrime.
The BETA researchers involved in this project, Yamina Tadjeddine-Fourneyron, Valérie Lelièvre, Paul Labic and Pierre Memheld, are contributing through their ecosystemic approach to criminal economies and their theoretical and applied vision of the economics of innovation.
In addition, close collaboration between BETA, Loria and laboratoire de recherche de l’École nationale supérieure de la police will enable the development of teaching modules dedicated to the training of investigation services specialising in the cyber threat.
The University of Lorraine will host the ENSEMBLE consortium in 2026.