The economic evaluation of ecosystem services

Many of the economic benefits which are derived from nature and from ecosystems are not traded on the market and therefore do not have a market price. Forest ecosystems provide services of climate regulation (through their carbon storage function) and water protection, as well as cultural and recreational, habitat support for plants and animals, and soil formation, amongst many others.
BETA contributes both to the development of methods for the economic assessment of these non-market ecosystem services, and to the understanding of their interactions, which includes the supply of services such as timber production that do have a price on the international market.
This work serves as a foundation for policy development in France and abroad, and aims to furnish appropriate decision-making tools for the private and public management of forests.
Associated personnel: Arnaud Abad, Jens Abildtrup, Géraldine Bocquého, Serge Garcia, Claire Montagné-Huck, David Shanafelt, Anne Stenger
Selected publications:
- LAMBINI Cosmas Kombat, NGUYEN Trung Thanh, ABILDTRUP Jens, PHAM Van Dien, TENHUNEN John, GARCIA Serge. 2018. Are ecosystem services complementary or competitive? An econometric analysis of cost functions from private forests in Vietnam, Ecological economics, 147, 343-352.
- TU Gengyang, ABILDTRUP Jens, GARCIA Serge. 2016. Preferences for urban green spaces and peri-urban forests: An analysis of stated residential choices, Landscape and Urban Planning, 148, 120-131.
- ABILDTRUP, Jens., OLSEN, Soren. Boye., STENGER, Anne. 2015. Combining RP and SP data while accounting for large choice sets and travel mode – an application to forest recreation. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy. 4(2): 177-201.
- ABILDTRUP Jens, GARCIA Serge, OLSEN Soren, STENGER Anne. 2013. Spatial preference heterogeneity in forest recreation, Ecological Economics, 92, 67-77.
- ABILDTRUP Jens, GARCIA Serge, STENGER Anne. 2013. The effect of forest land use on the cost of drinking water supply: A spatial econometric analysis, Ecological Economics, 92, 126-136.
- FIQUEPRON Julien, GARCIA Serge, STENGER Anne. 2013. Land use impact on water quality: Valuing forest services in terms of the water supply sector, Journal of Environmental Management, 126, 113-121.