Management and public policy for the provision of ecosystem services

Many ecosystem services have the characteristics of public assets and thus do not have a market price. As a result, the owners and managers of ecosystems (foresters, farmers, etc.) do not necessarily take into account all the services they provide in the course of their management. From a social point of view, the provision of different ecosystem services may be sub-optimal.
In order to put appropriate incentives in place for private landowners, BETA studies the decision-making processes of forest owners, and evaluates the impact and effectiveness of different types of regulations and economic tools. This includes studies on the design and operation of payment schemes for environmental services programs.
Associated Personnel: Arnaud Abad, Jens Abildtrup, Géraldine Bocquého, Serge Garcia, David Shanafelt, Anne Stenger
Selected publications:
- OUVRARD Benjamin, ABILDTRUP Jens, STENGER Anne. (2020). Nudging acceptability for wood ash recycling in forests: a choice experiment. Ecological Economics, Volume 177, November 2020, 106748.
- LEFEBVRE Mathieu, STENGER Anne (2020) Short-& long-term effects of monetary and non-monetary incentives to cooperate in public good games: An experiment. PLoS ONE 15(1):e0227360.
- ABILTRUP Jens, BOSTEDT Goran, OUVRARD Benjamin, STENGER Anne. (2019), Determinants of forest owners attitudes towards wood ash recycling in Sweden. Can the nutrient cycle be closed ? Forthcoming in Ecological Economics, Volume 164, October 2019, 106293.
- GARCIA Serge, ABILDTRUP Jens, STENGER Anne. (2018). How does economic research contribute to the management of forest ecosystem services? Annals of Forest Science, 75:53.
- HILY Emeline, GARCIA Serge, STENGER Anne, TU Gengyang. (2015). Assessing the efficiency of a biodiversity conservation policy: A bio-econometric analysis of Natura 2000 contracts in forest, Ecological Economics, Volume 119, Pages 197–208.
- GARCIA Serge, KERE Nazindigouba Eric, STENGER Anne. (2014). Econometric analysis of social interactions in the production decisions of private forest owners, European Review of Agricultural Economics, 41(2), 177-198.